You are clearly "quietly attuned to the still, small voice within." The still voice is often too quiet to be heard over the din of the three stooges' routine: lizard brain, monkey mind, and ego. Walking and having them all recite the prayers of the rosary was interesting for a while. I attempted to maneuver the elephant subconscious, hoping the whispering ant... There is one mind. Never let it fly the plane. It will, anyway. No metaphor, no allegory, no symbol, no analogy, no picture, no image, no comparison, no distinction, no parallel, no correlation, no aphorism is necessary, or present inside NOT KNOWING. All creation begins in NOT KNOWING. The space for possibility is NOT KNOWING. The sound of silence is, I don't know.

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Love this, Michael 🙏

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Your potent post is published one day after Rick Rubin’s “The Creative Act” book arrived in my mailbox.

I underlined his exact passage you quoted!

Thank you so much for your encouraging words!✍️🙏✍️

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Thank you, Lynda! It’s such a good book! I’m so glad I picked it up

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Yes, I get it, it's a stretch target, but anyone who has done yoga practice knows the feeling of that!

I find it challanging to write new content becuse I self-censor all the time. "I am not ready to say that", is a constant refrain in my head. Years of sub-editing professionally have tended to damp me down., but damm it, I have have things to say (one day :-0 )

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I get the same feeling pretty much every time I press “publish.” I was incredibly scared to share this story. But the response to what’s true within us is amazing.

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Being human we often want to serve two masters: we chase a goal, a desire, yet we also want to stay the same. We want to write our best work while still relying on imitation.

It never works.

As you said Jen, we are called to trust our deepest knowing, to dig deep and step forward as ourselves.

Thanks for another great essay!

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This is so true, Donna. Thank you so much 🤗

You certainly are one of those following their intuition, it shows

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Also, removing productivity and/or marketability out of the way so creating is a natural, intrinsically motivated impulse and opportunity for honest, uncontrived expression...it's value is inherent in the act of making, and no further outcome is needed to justify the time spent.

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From experience, I can certainly say that I agree with you on this statement, Lorian 🙏

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I love Big Magic something I savor is how she highlights our hidden treasures within.

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I agree! 🤗 💎

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Thanks Jen! We are creativity! Art surprises. It cracks us open. Art allows light to get deep inside of us through that crack in the veil of transformation. Art lets our own light get out into the world as well. What we seek is seeking us. Art meets us where we are, yet she never leaves us where she found us. Art changes us. We create because we have to. Bless you.

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Oh Jamie, please write a poem on art and creativity 🙏

Bless you!

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Feb 9Liked by Jen Hitze

Great insights and helpful perspective for those of us on the journey of learning to write from our story, hoping to make a positive impact on the stories of others! Thanks

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Absolutely, I appreciate you being here. Best wishes to you, Wayne.

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Thank you!

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Create because you can't not!

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Amen, Kimberly! 🙌🏽

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Feb 9Liked by Jen Hitze

Thanks a bunch for sharing Elizabeth Gilbert's essay on creativity. Priceless.

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Absolutely, Victoria! If you liked that passage, you’d love her book “Big Magic” - it’s one of my favs

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Feb 9Liked by Jen Hitze

Thank you. I hadn't ever thought to categorize writing, but this was helpful. I'm working on accepting the idea that I have something to say that is worthwhile. What is my style? My intent? Who am I trying to reach?

I think most often I use the keyboard to 'think out loud'--and it becomes more real to me if I post it than if I keep in on my desktop. Maybe I need some feedback from the world, whether that is good or bad, but the feedback is critical to know I'm alive. The idea/reflection/thought/commentary is real and alive.

Something that Elizabeth Gilbert didn't touch on was the fear of being canceled. She wrote 'Big Magic' before the insanely unforgiving culture born of woke ideology.

We have an animal rescue and produce an event as a fundraiser--and live in a leftist tyrannical part of the country. I'm a photographic negative of woke--so my writing, if it touches on current events, may seem 'dangerous' to the community in which I live.

A pseudonym can likely solve that problem, but that has its own set of issues/limitations as well.

This was helpful. Thank you.


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Regardless of who disagrees with you, you’ll always find people who support you. Do your work for the people who need to hear what you have to say (after yourself, of course).

Hold firm to your truth, Brian. I believe in you

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Brian - I admire your courage and vulnerability to write what you wrote. It’s harder than ever to put one’s voice out into the world as our authentic selves. Your reply here was a stepping stone on your path.

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Feb 11Liked by Jen Hitze

James! Wow! Thank you. I appreciate the encouragement. I just subscribed to your substack, I love your title.

I retired from the Army 8 years ago. The pension is enough that I don't HAVE to work, but I do need to produce some income - if only as a feedback mechanism that I'm still alive and relevant.

I took a hiatus from my business a couple of years ago to try to understand why our event (unleashedatstadiumbowl.org) has gripped me so deeply for the past 13 years.

I finally came to understand that the race is a distillation of my leadership/philosophical approach to life.

When Man, as a species, courageously confronts adversity, the big scary, who world, shoulder to shoulder, arm in arm, holding hands--it is both magnetic and adhesive to the human spirit. It is our adaptive advantage. Without knowing it is what we're looking for, we find agape. Agape is the only thing we have as ballast against the ever-present, existential terror of being.

I'm trying to create that for our community. Actually, I am creating that, have been for past 13 years, but want it to reach 1000s not just 100s.

I have a book inside me that I"m trying to get out: Collective Suffering: The Skeleton Key to Building Trust, Compassion, and Cooperation

All of this Substack is essentially 'reps' to improve my writing.

Thank you again. Encouragement is a big deal.


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I second everything James said^

Also, the title of your book (even if it’s still just inside at this point) is incredible. I’d love to read it

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Brian, I love this so much - "When Man, as a species, courageously confronts adversity, the big scary, who world, shoulder to shoulder, arm in arm, holding hands--it is both magnetic and adhesive to the human spirit. It is our adaptive advantage."

Congrats on the unleashed event. It looks very successful even if it hasn't yet met the #'s you are looking for.

Also, thank you for your service to our country - It's my hope that people tell you that regularly. You deserve it.

Are you writing on Subtack yet? If so, I would love to read it as well.

Take GOOD care.


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Brian, I’m out with my family eating dinner. Will reply back later. Thank you again, for sharing!

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Beautiful insight

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Thank you 🙏

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Thanks for this inspiring and helpful article.

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Thank you, Isabel! So glad it was helpful

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Feb 11Liked by Jen Hitze

Thank Jen! Extremely helpful…

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Absolutely! Thanks, John 🤗

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My daily writing evolved into character sketches and story ideas but I love the idea of using writing as an opportunity to solve problems. Historically I only could see the problem. Thank you for sharing

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I’m so glad you made the switch from seeing problems to solving them. 🙏

As someone who writes primarily nonfiction self-improvement and reflection pieces, I admire how you can develop characters and stories - creating a world beyond yourself (in a sense). It’s admirable. Writing is such a vast art form.

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Well writing fiction has always been a part of me. Journalism school was good because it taught neutrality and now using all of the types of writing to solve problems. I am enjoying your posts!!!

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Thats amazing. Thank you so much! 🤗

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Jen Hitze /Joe-Kwame,

prerequesite of your sensitive contemplations and findings is the assumption of ever common integration of “self and I“. “Reflecting Universe“ it is essential to know and live your individual voidness as human being in any social environment.

In fact, you are an “Individual Nothing of Being“ to use the words of one of the Spiritual Masters - Adyashanti. Transcend, however, your individual being in the outward world and realize you are everything also. A tree is a tree and its apples are vital part of its being. Trunk, Branches, Leaves and Roots are also part of it. The tree may not be isolated from Sun, Soil, Water, Air – The Universe in what it exists - same with Human Being.

One Step Beyond,…

Do away with Thoughts, Feelings, Emotions, Daily Doing as these are momentary happenings. When these are over you are there still. You still exist in your personal NOTHING. (…& Everything)

Another Step Further…

A tree is also the entire Cosmos and Cosmos is a tree. No Oxygen – No Tree – No Human Being. Trees carry apples – help Humans to exist…. Alltogetherness.


Finding“Nothing“ (Science: Dark Matter) being“Everything“ is bringing Relief, Freedom, Happiness – Waking up...

You are the total Environment.

Thank you, Jen!

Hugs and Namasté, Joe-Kwame

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One is everything and everything is one. Thank you Joe-Kwame for your beautiful insights.

I especially loved this: “Transcend, however, your individual being in the outward world and realize you are everything also.”

This one will sit with me for some time 🙏

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